3: Operations
.A16 on
Serial Port Administration
Creating a descriptive serial port name
The Set Port Name command assigns a descriptive name to a serial port. You may
use this name in commands that require a port name as an alternative to using the
port’s absolute name.
To create a port name:
1. At the command prompt, type
set port name
, followed by the absolute outlet
name and a descriptive name of up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable
characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal - spaces are not allowed). Port names are
not case sensitive.
2. Press
Port names ‘1’ thru ‘64’ and ‘CONSOLE’ are reserved system names
and may not be used.
The following command adds the descriptive name Rack1 to Modem port:
SLP: set port name modem Rack1<Enter>
Setting the serial ports data rate
The Set Port Dsrchk command enables or disables active signal checking for
serial/Pass-Thru connections to devices attached to any of the available serial ports.
Valid data rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600, 115200.
To set the serial port data rate:
1. At the command prompt, type
set port speed all
, followed by the data rate
and press
The following command sets the serial port data rate to 38400 BPS:
SLP: set port speed all 38400<Enter>
Enabling or disabling active signal checking for serial connections
The Set Port Speed Dsrchk command enables or disables active signal checking for
serial connections to devices attached to any of the available serial ports.
To enable or disable active signal checking for serial connections:
1. At the command prompt, type
set port dsrchk console, on or off,
and press
SecureLinx SLP Remote Power Manager