4: Advanced Operations
The following command enables the Status trap using the unit’s absolute name:
SLP: set trap unit status .a on<Enter>
The following command enables the Status trap for the unit named Florida_HQ_1:
SLP: set trap unit status Florida_HQ_1 on<Enter>
Enabling lower hierarchical traps automatically enables traps of higher
hierarchical value: i.e. enabling an Outlet Status trap automatically enables
the Infeed and Unit Status traps for that outlet. Conversely, if a Unit Status
trap is disabled, all associated Infeed Status & Load and Outlet Status traps
will be disabled.
Enabling or Disabling a Load trap
The Set Trap Infeed Load command is used to enable or disable an Infeed Load trap.
To Enable or Disable a Load trap:
1. At the command prompt, type
set trap infeed load
, followed by the infeed
name, and
. Press
, or
2. Type
set trap infeed load all
, followed by
and press
The following command enables the Load trap using the unit’s absolute name:
SLP: set trap infeed load.aa on<Enter>
The following command disables the Load trap:
SLP: set trap infeed load all off<Enter>
Enabling lower hierarchical traps automatically enables traps of higher
hierarchical value: i.e. enabling an Infeed Load trap automatically enables the Infeed
and Unit Status traps for that infeed
Setting the Infeed Load limit
The Set Trap Infeed Loadhigh command is used to set the upper load limits for an
input feed.
To set the infeed load limit:
1. At the command prompt, type
set trap infeed loadhigh
, followed by the
infeed name, and a value from 0 to 255 in amperes. Press
The following command sets the infeed load limit for the infeed to 25 amperes, using
the infeed’s absolute name:
SLP: set trap infeed loadhigh.aa 25<Enter>
Enabling or Disabling a Change trap
The Set Trap Outlet Change command is used to enable or disable an Outlet
Change trap.
SecureLinx SLP Remote Power Manager