- 74 / 79 -
DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
FLS 106 IC set / FLS 106 PCB set
After Completing the Measurement
After completion of the scan, the probe should be allowed to travel up until it has reached a safe
distance to the DUT. If an ICR probe has been used, allow the probe to travel up until the complete
protective cap can be put on the ICR probe tip and locked into place.
The scanner can then be switched off properly.
Dismantling after Completing the Measurement(s)
Removing the ICR Probe
Important! Put the protective cap on the probe tip and lock into place before removing the ICR
probe that has been used for the scan from the rotary unit. This largely prevents any damage to
the probe tip.
Remove the connected ICR probe from the rotary unit's rotary ring by loosening the knurled
screws M3. To do so, hold the probe with one hand and loosen the knurled screws with the other.
Keep hold of the ICR probe, disconnect the SSMB-SSMB depth test cable from the ICR probe's
SSMB connector with your free hand and unscrew the SMA-SMA measuring cable from the
ICR probe's SMA connector.
You can now put the ICR probe in its corresponding case for safe storage.
Removing the Near-Field Probe
Loosen the installed near-field probe together with the probe sleeve from the SH 01 magnetic
holder. If desired, the fastening screw on the probe sleeve can be loosened and the
near-field probe can be removed from above.
Disconnect the connected measuring cable and put the near-field probe in its corresponding case
for safe storage.
Removing the SH 01 Probe Holder from the FLS 106 IC
First disconnect the connected SSMB-SSMB cable from the SH 01 probe holder. Then remove the
SH 01 from the rotary unit by loosening the knurled screws M3.
Removing the Pre-Amplifier / BT 706 Bias-Tee
First remove the measuring cable from the signal input of the pre-amplifier / bias-tee and the power
supply cable from the 12 V input by hand. Then unscrew the pre-amplifier / bias-tee from the
"RF in" connector on the Z-axis tower by hand.
Store the pre-amplifier / bias-tee and the associated cables in the corresponding case.