- 75 / 79 -
DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
FLS 106 IC set / FLS 106 PCB set
Removing a Device Under Test from the T-slot Table
First loosen the clamping pieces (screws M6, hexagon socket 5 mm) and then remove the device
under test from the T-slot table.
Removing a Circuit Board from the UH DUT
After loosening all attached claws (claw 01 and/or claw 02) (screw M3, 2.5 mm hexagon socket),
remove the circuit board from the UH DUT universal holder
Removing the UH DUT
First loosen the clamping pieces (screws M6, hexagon socket 5 mm) and then remove the
UH DUT from the T-slot table.
Removing the GND 25
Grasp the edge of the GND 25 ground plane that is installed on the GND 25 holder with both
hands and raise it.
Removing the GND 25 Holder
Unscrew the two screws M6 (hexagon socket 4 mm) to remove the GND 25 holder. Then raise the
GND 25 holder and remove the T-nuts from the T-slot table via the T-slot openings.
Removing the DM-CAM Microscope Camera
Disconnect the HR10 plug from the HR10 connector marked "Camera" on the scanner's Z-axis
tower. Release the plug's quick-action coupling to do so.
Then loosen the small, silver-coloured knurled screw and pull the microscope camera out from
You can also remove the camera screw from the DM-CAM holder.3 camera holder if required.
Loosen the large, silver-coloured knurled screw on the rear of the DM-CAM holder.3.
Removing the DM-CAM Holder.3 Camera Holder
You can also remove the DM-CAM holder.3 from the rotary unit if required.
Loosen the two knurled screws M4 on the top of the rotary unit for this purpose.