Instructions and Installation
Error codes/reasons and possible solutions
Error codes
Error reasons
Possible solutions
Er 1 - Er 7
Communication errors
Turn off at the isolation switch for
the oven, wait 10 seconds and
then switch back on at the isolation
switch for the oven. If the error
persists, contact the service with
the error code on the oven screen.
Er 8 - Er 27
Sensor errors
If your oven is too hot, turn off at
the isolation switch for the oven,
wait for it to cool and switch back
on at the isolation switch for the
oven. If the error persists, contact
the service with the error code on
the oven screen.
Er 32 - Er 41
Oven heating errors
If your oven is excessively hot, turn
off at the isolation switch for the
oven, wait for it to cool and switch
back on at the isolation switch
for the oven. If the error persists,
contact the service with the error
code on the oven screen.
Er 42 - Er 58
Oven component errors
Contact the service with the error
code on the oven screen.
Er 59 - Er 64
Oven door errors
Turn off at the isolation switch for
the oven, wait 10 seconds and
then switch back on at the isolation
switch for the oven. If the error
persists, contact the service with
the error code on the oven screen.
Er 72 - Er 80
Hardware errors
Contact the service with the error
code on the oven screen.
Er 81 - Er 85
Oven safety errors
Contact the service with the error
code on the oven screen.
Er 93 - Er 99
Electronic board and
timer errors
Turn off at the isolation switch for
the oven, wait 10 seconds and
then switch back on at the isolation
switch for the oven. If the error
persists, contact the service with
the error code on the oven screen.