User Manual
Precipitation Sensor rain[e]H3 with Ethernet
Id-No. 00.15184.540 020
Precipitation Sensor
Total Precipitation
For the measurement of the precipitation amount from data set to data set via the serial protocols (e.g. SDI 12,
Talker, Modbus) the difference of the total precipitation amount to the previous value must be calculated.
Note: The value overflow of the precipitation total must be taken into account in the calculation of the
difference. The value overflow occurs at 60000 g of collected liquid. This results in a value overflow at
3,000 mm for sensors with a collecting surface of 200 cm² and a value overflow at 1,500 mm for sensors
with a collecting surface of 400 cm².
Output WL ASCII Protocol with Checksum
The measured values and data of
can be called in polling mode with different commands or sent with
a configurable output interval in talker mode automatically from rain[e].
In this protocol the sensor can be called every 10 s. We suggest intervals of 60 s. Commands in WL ASCII protocol
start with “<STX>” (start text) and end with”<CR>” (carriage return) and “<LF>” (line feed). As in the protocol no
addressing is possible it can not be used in RS485 bus but only with single rain[e]H3.
rain[e]H3 knows the following call commands:
• read out user data
• read out status
• call data / polling
• call of the last talker protocol
• read out operation-hour counter
The data call commands request that the sensor create the output string from the existing measurement data. As
measures continuously all measured values during a creation of output strings are saved in a buffer.
When the string is ready the values from the buffer are processed.
The following description contains the following control characters:
= Start of Text
= Carriage return
= Line feed