LABORIE Urocap IV Light Service Manual UCL-SM01 V7.00
Table 1: Specifications
Please contact your LABORIE Customer Service
representative for printer specifications available per
geographic location.
Mobile Device Lock
Cable length: 1.80 m (5.9’)
IEC 60601-1: The system is connected to the mains via an external
power supply unit (PSU) and is classified as Class 1,
portable equipment with no patient applied parts and
intended for continuous operation. Alternately the
system can be powered via its internal battery pack
and classified as internally powered equipment.
Classification of
Installation and Use:
Portable; Class I (via PSU); Internally Powered
Equipment (Battery Mode).
Degree of Protection: The Urocap IV uroflowmeter enclosure is classified IP54
according to degree of protection against ingress of
water and particulate matter as per the test
requirements of IEC 60529. With this IP (International
Protection) rating, it means that the Urocap IV
uroflowmeter enclosure:
Protects users using tools 1.0 mm or larger from
accessing hazardous parts, and protects equipment
from ingress of dust (signified by the rating code 5).
Protects equipment from the harmful effects of
water splashing from any direction (signified by the
rating code 4).
NOTE: If applicable to your uroflowmeter model, the
IP rating will be visible on the device label.