Adjusting the plough
Trashboard [+]
The trashboard should be placed with the front edge close to the
mouldboard, the rear edge should be adjusted according to the
ploughing depth.
There are two adjusting holes in the bracket for the trashboard, one
for deep ploughing and one for shallower ploughing (A). In addition,
there are two slotted holes in the trashboard for additional adjustment
When commissioning the new plough, it is a good idea to adjust the
trashboard in the upper position to strip the paint from the plough bod
ies when ploughing.
It may be a good idea to adjust the height of the trashboard when
changing the working width.
The trashboard is set from the front. It is important that the trashboard
is fitted with the front edge completely lowered against the mould
board to prevent plant waste or similar from becoming caught up.