Possible modifications
Adjust the switch-
ing pressure in
the turning valve
Do not open the valve.
Never open the valve yourself. Once opened, valves are difficult to re
fit, and dirt may penetrate the valve. This may result in damage or in
jury. The valve must only be opened by trained service personnel.
To turn the plough safely and securely, the supplied pressure should
be at least 160 bar. The recommended oil flow is 25-35 l/min.
The turning valve controls the direction of the oil flow to the turning cyl
inder. In some cases it is necessary to adjust the switching pressure
To adjust the switching pressure
> Loosen the lock nut
> Turn the adjustment screw
> Retighten the lock nut
Possible solution
Turn the adjustment screw
The plough turns halfway and returns to the
original position.
Increase the switching pressure.
(1 full turn = 5 bar)
The plough turns halfway and stops
Reduce the switching pressure
(1 full turn = 5 bar)
Lock nut