Possible cause
Turnover system
The plough will not start turning
The connections to the tractor are
mounted incorrectly.
Check that the quick–couplings
are properly engaged and cor
rectly connected (see colour cod
ing on the hoses)
The plough does not start turning
- the plough reacts with a sudden
vibration and pressure rise in the
turning valve
The switching pressure is incorrect
Increase the switching pressure
by turning the turning valve a cou
ple of turns clockwise.
The plough turns halfway and
stops, or goes back to the original
The restrictor is mounted in the
wrong port
Change the position of the restric
The switching pressure is incorrect
Increasing or reducing the switch
ing pressure. See Switch pres
sure in the turning valve.
The turning stops in the first turn
ing cycle with a plough with Pack
omat, or when turning the plough
with the bodies under the main
The switch-over takes place prema
turely, just before dead centre is
Increase the switching pressure
by a couple of turns clockwise.
Ensure that the restrictor in the
turning cylinder is correctly posi
Vibrations occur during turning
The restrictor is mounted in the
wrong port
Change the position of the restric
Turning is a slow process on
heavy ploughs and may not be
Incorrect oil flow
Try out whether various oil flow
rates affect the turning by adjust
ing the motor speed or flow rate
on the tractor valve. Turning
valves operate best at 25-35 l/
min. A high flow rate can return
pressure and lead to a reduced
turning performance
The turning or folding-in cylinder
creeps during ploughing or trans
The turning phase is not completed
and the cylinder is not locked
Complete the turning phase, ap
ply the switching pressure, see
»Turn the plough«, page 44. On
ploughs with a memory system,
any adjustment of the working
width should be carried out using
the vari-width lever, not the turno
ver lever
The washer(s) in the turning cylin
der is/are leaking
Contact your dealer
Leakage in turning valve
Contact your dealer
The first furrow width is different
when ploughing on the left and
right hand sides
The cross shaft is not positioned
centrally on the turning head
Position the cross shaft centrally
under the turning head
The air pressure in the tractor’s rear
tyres is not equal
Adjust the air pressure
The sideways levelling is incorrect
Adjust the levelling