AMS will not change modes if the operator has
Locked speeds. If speeds were Locked in
stationary mode and then the vehicle begins
traveling, the unit will be placed in Hold.
The Raptor RP-1 can be operated with or without
speedometer input. If the speedometer input is not
connected, the unit will use patented Smart Patrol Search
(SPS) software routines. This software reduces patrol
shadowing and patrol combining when coming out of Hold
mode by knowledge of how traffic radar is typically used
by the operator.
When using traffic radar in moving mode, typically the
operator will activate and deactivate the antenna transmitter
as needed to check the speed of target vehicles. The radar
may have been in Hold anywhere from several seconds to
several minutes. Each time the operator switches from
Hold to active mode, the unit must first capture the patrol
vehicle speed before any target speeds are processed. It is
during this initial capturing from Hold that radar processing
is the most vulnerable to patrol shadowing or combining.
SPS software works by storing the patrol speed when the
operator enters the Hold mode. This has two purposes; to
help track and/or reject patrol signals when returning to
active mode. If the unit is in the Hold mode for a typical
amount of time (more than one second), the DSP will
search first in a region around the stored patrol speed.
Example: The patrol vehicle is traveling 65 MPH and the
operator enters Hold mode. When the operator comes out
of Hold sometime later, the SPS software will search the
region around 65 MPH first for the patrol signal. If a 20
MPH shadowing signal was present, it is not likely to be
displayed as a false patrol.