No target readings in
Stationary mode
Verify unit is not in HOLD.
Verify range control is set properly.
Verify unit is aimed properly and the
target is within range of the radar.
Unsquelch audio and verify that a
Doppler tone is heard when targets
are present. If no Doppler tone is
heard, remove unit from service.
No Patrol speed in
Moving mode.
Verify unit is not in HOLD.
Verify the unit is aimed parallel to
the ground and straight down the
Verify there are no obstructions
directly in front of the antenna.
Weather conditions (heavy rain,
snow or fog) may affect the unit’s
ability to pick up groundspeed.
Verify speedometer input is
synchronized properly.
Verify the patrol speed is above
patrol minimum setting and below
120 mph.
Place unit in stationary mode and
drive patrol vehicle. Verify Target
area displays proper groundspeed. If
no speed readings, remove unit from