To complement the ROM sounds, there are over 150 multiple effects and 30 reverbs. You can
apply the effects to programs or setups, and you can easily control the wet/dry mix in real time.
You can also program the multi-effects and reverbs for even more control in performance and
Ask your Kurzweil dealer about the following PC2R options.
Sound ROM Cards
The PC2R has sockets for two ROM expansion cards that you can install yourself (the expansion
kits come with complete instructions). Each expansion card adds 16 megabytes of ROM sounds
to the 16 megabytes of onboard ROM.
Polyphony Expansion Board
There’s a kit for expanding your PC2R’s polyphony from 64 voices to 128 voices. You can install
this kit yourself as well.
Unpacking your PC2R
Your PC2R carton should contain the following:
PC2R Rack-Mount synthesizer module
Power adapter
Four adhesive-backed rubber feet
This manual
Warranty card
You might want to keep the PC2R carton and packing materials for easy shipping or transport.