Kurzweil PC2R Musician’s Guide
adding layers with velocity 4-25
additional sounds 1-2
ADR 5-3
aftertouch, with arpeggiator 4-34
all notes off 3-12
analog audio output B-3
applying effects globally 4-27
arpeggiator 4-33
pasting parameters 4-11
pressure as controller 4-34
with sequencers 4-35
Arpeggiator menu 4-11, 5-10, 5-26
assigning entry values 4-21
assignments for physical controllers (programs) ??–C-32
assignments for physical controllers (setups) C-34–C-69
attack 5-3
audio cables 2-3
audio output 4-31
audio signal routing B-9
audio specifications B-3
autosplit 3-19, 4-31, 5-15
autosplit and muting/soloing 3-23
autosplit key 3-20, 3-21, 5-15
B-3 sounds 1-1
backgrounded zones 3-22
bank index 3-13
banks, selecting 4-36
basic editing concepts 4-1
battery 2-5
battery, replacing A-1
boot block A-4
boot block, installing A-6
button presses, recording 5-41
bypassing effects 3-17
button 3-10
autosplit key 3-20
effects routing 3-16
EQ settings 3-14
parameter values 4-7
preset drawbar values 4-32
programs 4-36, 4-38
wet/dry mix 3-18
clear setup 4-16
color of LEDs 3-22
color-coded labeling 3-5
common editing tasks 4-31
button 3-10
comparing 4-8
configurations, MIDI 2-4
connections 2-2
audio 2-3
MIDI 2-3
power 2-2
continuous controllers 5-21
Controller messages 3-14
Controller messages for front-panel knobs B-11
controllers 4-10
KB3 B-12
MIDI (list) B-10
multiple-use 4-22
pasting parameters 4-10
physical 1-1
special B-10
Controllers 0 and 32 4-36
Controllers menu 3-8, 4-6, 4-8, 4-9, 4-10, 5-20
controlling effects 3-15
controlling vibrato and tremolo with LFOs 4-31
button 3-10
copying and pasting 4-9
copying and pasting effects 4-11
creating setups 4-18
crossfades 4-24
current layer 4-13
cursor buttons 3-10
decay 5-3
default setup 4-16
deleting objects 4-4
demo sequences 2-5, 3-1, 3-12
diagnostics A-7
digital audio output 2-3, B-3
display 2-5, 3-5
Do I have everything? 1-2
drawbars 3-6, 4-32
dumping objects via SysEx 4-5, 4-11
button 3-9
edit modes 4-2
Edit region 3-9
editing 4-1, 4-2
common tasks 4-31
effects 3-18, 4-26, 4-28
internal setup 4-32
KB3 programs 4-15
percussion parameters 4-15
preset drawbars 4-32
programs 4-12
setups 4-16
short cuts 4-6
effects 1-2, 3-4, 3-15
applying globally 4-27
bypassing 3-17
controlling 3-15
copying and pasting 4-11
editing 3-18, 4-28
KB3 4-28
restoring 4-4
routing 3-16
saving (storing) 4-29