07/2018 - 4006304401 - OPTISENS TSS 2000 en R01
C5 device
C5.1 device info
Information about the device.
C5.1.1 Tag
Measuring point identifier (Tag no.),
helps to identify the device in a plant,
appears in the LC display header in
the normal measuring mode (up to
8 digits).
C5.1.2 C number
Identifies the type of electronics, is
also located on the converter
C5.1.3 device serial no.
Serial number of the system.
C5.1.4 electronic serial no.
Serial number of the electronics
C5.1.5 SW.REV.MS
Gives information about the main
software of the electronics.
C5.1.6 Electronic Revision ER
Reference identification number,
electronic revision and production
date of the device; includes all
hardware and software changes.
C5.2 display
Groups several function for the fine adjustment of the display.
C5.2.1 language
Available languages: German,
English, French, Spanish
C5.2.2 contrast
This function allows to adjust the
contrast of the display (e.g. at
extreme temperatures). Note that a
change of the contrast takes place
immediately, not just when the menu
mode is left! You cannot reset a
change by leaving the programming
mode without saving the changes!
Range: -9
C5.2.3 default display
This function allows to set the
default page in the normal
measuring mode; after a short delay
period the display always returns to
this page automatically. Options:
none: no default measuring page,
i.e. the display always stays on the
currently selected page.
1. meas. page: set this page as
2. meas. page: set this page as
status page: show only status
messages as default page.
graphic page: show only trend
display of the first measuring result
as default page.
C5.2.5 information
Contains serial number, user
interface software version number
and production date of the circuit
Settings / descriptions