4.4.2 RSTP Info
This page allows you to see the information of the root switch and port status.
Root Information:
You can see root Bridge ID, Root Priority, Root Port, Root
Path Cost and the Max Age, Hello Time and Forward Delay of BPDU sent from
the root switch.
Port Information:
You can see port Role, Port State, Path Cost, Port Priority,
Oper P2P mode, Oper edge port mode and Aggregated (ID/Type).
4.4.3 Multiple Super Ring (MSR
The most common industrial network redundancy is to form a ring or loop.
Typically, the managed switches are connected in series and the last switch is
connected back to the first one. In such connection, you can implement Korenix
Super Ring, Rapid Super Ring, and Multiple Super Ring technology.
Multiple Super Ring is Korenix 3
generation Ring redundancy technology. This
is Korenix pattern and protected in countries all over the world. The Multiple
Super Ring has enhanced Ring Master selection and faster recovery time. It is
also enhanced for more complex ring application.
This page allows you to enable the settings for Multiple Super Ring and Rapid
Dual Homing.