A-61601 June 2012
9. Select any images that you want to make changes to (i.e,
straighten, delete, etc.). When finished, click
• You can use the following shortcut keys:
Insert key: to add a photo to the Selected Images pane.
Delete key: to delete a photo from the Selected Images pane.
Page Up: to zoom out.
Page Down: to zoom in.
Home: to fit to window.
Tab: to scroll through the images
• You can drag and drop an image to reorder images in the
Selected Images screen.
• To override the snap-to-edge behavior of the yellow selection
frame, press and hold the Ctrl key while you drag the edge to the
desired location.
10. If you do not need to make any changes and are finished scanning
all photos in this order, go to Step 12.
11. If you want to scan more photos, make enhancements, etc. these
options are available:
• If you want to scan another batch of photos
to this folder, place
more photos in the input tray and click
Batch Scan
• If you want to change the active folder, click
Select Folder.
• If you want to scan a single photo using the A3 or Legal Flatbed
Accessory, place the photo on the flatbed and click
• Use the rotate arrows on each displayed image to rotate as
desired, or select
Auto Rotate
for the Picture Saver System
Software to make every attempt to automatically rotate images to
the correct orientation. This option works effectively for photos
with faces; therefore, some photos may still need to be rotated
manually. You can click
to stop auto rotation.
• If you want to enhance the colors, contrast, brightness, etc. of all
of the images scanned as color in the active folder, click
Perfect Touch
. You can click
to stop KODAK Perfect
• If you want to rescan and replace the last flatbed image or batch
of scanned images, place the desired photos back in the input
tray or flatbed and click
Redo Batch Scan
Redo Flatbed
. The rescanned images will be displayed on the screen in
place of the previous batch.
• If you want to edit an individual image (e.g., rotate, delete,
KODAK Perfect Touch, etc.), click on the image you want to
enhance. The Enhance Picture screen will be displayed.