1 Remove the two upper oven covers (1) by unfastening the relative self-tapping screws (2).
Unfasten the nut (3) for the cable holder and feed the cable through the hole leaving enough
cable slack to to avoid stretching.
2 Remove about 12 cm of outside insulation from the cable and shorten the two active wires
(live and neutral) to 6cm. Leave the length of the earth wire as it is. Remove about 1cm
of insulation from each of the three wires and then connect each wire to the terminal block.
Ensure that each wire is connected appropriately (L is for the Live wire, N is for the Neutral
wire and the earth wire is indicated with the traditional dashed triangle).
3 Tighten the two cable holder screws so as to ensure that the mains cable is held firmly in
Figure 12