5. DPF switches (diesel particulate filter)
(1) Active regeneration in first level:
When the sign remains fixed in the instrument box, the driver will have an interval of 2-6 hours to force the
regeneration of the particulate filter. You can do this by following two different procedures:
a) First procedure: While driving, as long as the motor charge cycle changes. That is causing the engine to
work at high speed for an extended period of time. In this case, regeneration will be done automatically while
driving, turning off the yellow sign when finished.
b) Second procedure: parking the vehicle in a safe place and away from flammable material and pressing the
DPF regeneration start switch with the engine idling.
(c) In this case, the engine will automatically rise and then perform regeneration for approximately40 minutes.
Once the process is complete, the engine will return to the normal idle speed.
Giving the high temperatures achieved by the exhaust system during regeneration, take care to stay
Continuously and without driver intervention, the exhaust system is
performing active regeneration of the diesel particle filter (DPF), in
order to adapt to the emission regulations and to clean the filter itself
at the same time. Occasionally however, the engine exhaust system
may request driver intervention to perform an active regeneration of
the diesel particulate filter (DPF).
DPF switches
In this case, the instrument panel will light a yellow indicator such as
the right figure:
By means of this sign, the system informs the driver about the state of
the particulate filter (soil level), in order to show different situations,
details like below:
DPF active regenerative
start-up switch
Yellow regeneration sign