48 Keysight E8357D/67D & E8663D PSG User’s Guide
Basic Operation
Using the User-Defined RF Output Power Limit (Option 1EU, or 521 only)
Using the User-Defined RF Output Power Limit (Option 1EU, or 521
Selecting a User-Defined RF Output Power Limit
To protect external components and instruments against damage the PSG has
a user-defined RF output limit (see
). The factory default value of the
RF output limit is set to 25 dBm and the RF adjusting limit value softkey is not
available (see
). Presetting the instrument, resets the value to
25 dBm and disables any user-defined RF adjusting limit values (i.e. the
user-defined RF output limit values are not persistent).
If a persistent RF output limit is required, a user-defined setup is
recommended. Use the “Save User Preset” softkey under the
Utility > Power
softkey menu or use the save instrument state register softkeys
(Refer to
“Using the Instrument State Registers” on page 72
In internal leveling mode, when the set amplitude is within ±1 dBm of the RF
output limit’s value, the RF output limit is printed in bold text in the
Frequency and Amplitude status information display. When the user attempts
to set an amplitude that exceeds the RF Output Power Limit, the amplitude
will be restricted and the following error message is displayed: “
clipped to maximum user defined RF Output Limit
In internal leveling mode, if the RF output limit is exceeded, a warning
message is displayed that reads “
”. When this message is displayed,
the RF output is maximized out at the specified RF output limit and the
connected devices are protected.
The RF output limit can be used with an external ALC detector connected to
the PSG. When the instrument is in external leveling mode, no indications or
warnings are displayed, but the power is restricted if it exceeds the ±1 dBm