Elec tro mag ne tic in ter fer en ce
Alt hough the PULSE STAR II PRO has been de ve lo ped to eli mi na te a lot
of elec tro mag netic in ter fer ence from land ca bles, rail ro ad tracks, elec -
tric mo tors, wa ter pumps, etc. these pro duce strong mag ne tic fields
that can still in ter fe re with the PULSE STAR II PRO. In this case you will
no ti ce un usu al rhyth mic au dio sig nals being emit ted from your PULSE
Re du cing the sen si ti vi ty in case of strong in ter fer en ce
Strong elec tro mag netic dis tur bances are the worst kind of in ter fer -
ences. Re duc ing the sen si tiv ity will help greatly. For this, an offset is
stored within the PULSE STAR II PRO in the fol low ing way:
Bring the search coil to the cor rect height over the ground.
Next, hold a metal ob ject near the coil so that the me ter will show
'2' (or a higher value if the sen si tiv ity needs to be re duced fur ther).
While hold ing the ob ject at this par tic u lar dis tance, push the
MODE switch mo men tarily to
Take the metal ob ject away from the coil. This should give a neg a -
tive me ter read ing and the tickrate should be low ered.
Next, in crease the tickrate to a few ticks per sec ond with the
knob – but with out hold ing the
switch to
as de scribed in chap ter 3.
Now the PULSE STAR II PRO is less sen si ti ve. An ob ject must cau se the
same in di ca ti on that you pre vi ous ly si mu la ted with the me tal ob ject in
or der to be de tec ted (the off set has to be over co me). You can go on
searching now with reduced sensitivity.
To re call the hig hest sen si ti vi ty again, use
wit hout any me tall ic
ob ject clo se to the se arch coil and re-ad just the tic kra te with
down to a few clicks per se cond.
8 Interference
Summary of Contents for PULSE STAR II PRO
Page 1: ...PULSE STAR II PRO Professional Metal Detector Bedienungsanleitung Instruction manual ...
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