large ob jects there will rarely be an anom aly ef fect (a non-fer rous in di -
ca tion al though it is a fer rous metal) which plagues most VLF-IB de tec -
If there are both fer rous and non-fer rous met als in the de tec tion range
(e.g. non-fer rous met als in an iron box), usu ally the larger one of these
ob jects will be in di cated.
VLF-IB de tec tors do of fer ex cel lent dis crim i na tion fea tures for small ob -
jects. The PULSE STAR II PRO has the great est ad van tage of de tect ing
and dis crim i nat ing me dium and large size ob jects.
Brief sum ma ry of the ad van ta ges and ca pa bi li ties of the
PULSE STAR II PRO me tal de tec tor:
The PI-prin ci ple al lows the use of large search coils and to use a high
trans mis sion power in or der to achieve ex traor di nary de tect ing ca pa -
bil i ties.
Us ing large search coils will al low the op er a tor a fast search cov er ing
larger ar eas.
Many dif fer ent coils (var i ous sizes and shapes) can be con nected to
the PULSE STAR II PRO with out the need to change any set tings.
All search coils are wa ter proof and can, there fore, be used in shal low
wa ters.
The PULSE STAR II PRO of fers a metal dis crim i na tion for larger ob -
Op er a tion is very sim ple and the in ter nal ad just ments are per formed
au to mat i cally each time the PULSE STAR II PRO is turned on.
Re tun ing dur ing op er a tion re quires noth ing more than press ing a
2 Operating principle
Summary of Contents for PULSE STAR II PRO
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