You are fa mi li ar with the con trols and ca pa bi li ties of the PULSE STAR II
PRO. In this and the fol lo wing chap ter you will le arn how to ope ra te
the unit in prac tice.
As sem bling the 1m stan dard coil (PS02)
To ease trans por ta ti on and sto ra ge, the fra me of the one me ter by one
me ter se arch coil is con struc ted with de ta cha ble con nec tions. In just a
few steps the coil is rea dy to use:
The fol ded tu bes are erec ted and then put to get her one by one at each
cor ner. You should start at the cor ner with the con nec ti on ca ble. It is
ea siest to pla ce the re spec ti ve tube on the ground with the ope ning of
the cor ner poin ting up wards, then the tube being in ser ted can be
pushed down with the ne ces sa ry for ce. Make sure that the tu bes are
al ways in ser ted as far as pos si ble so that the fra me becomes rigid and
cannot warp.
Fi nal ly, the two in clu ded straps with snap hooks are con nec ted to the
bra ckets at the four cor ners. The length of the straps is ad jus tab le.
Dis as sem bly is car ried out in re ver se or der. To dis as sem ble the 1m coil,
pull on each cor ner wit hout twi sting or ben ding the tu bes to pre vent
war ping them. If you have any dif fi cul ties dis con nec ting any cor ner,
then slight ly hit the in side cor ner with your hand. Af ter the first con -
nec ti on has been dis joi ned, the ot her tu bes can be si mul ta ne ous ly
rotated while pulling on them.
Be fo re pa cking and sto ring the se arch coil, make sure that the con nec -
tor plug is cle an, dry, and free of dirt. The plug should al ways be clo sed
with the dust cap. The se arch coil should be clea ned and dried be fo re it
is stored.
The con nec ti on ca ble must not be kin ked. Ex ces si ve and fre quent
ben ding can cau se ca ble bre aks. Any me cha ni cal stress (pul ling,
squee zing) must be avoi ded. The ca ble is di rect ly wi red into the coil
and can not be re pla ced if da ma ged. The se no tes ap ply to all se arch
5 Startup procedure
Summary of Contents for PULSE STAR II PRO
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