Make sure that the PULSE STAR II PRO is turned off and no charger
is con nected.
Open the PULSE STAR II PRO (turn the unit, loosen and take out the
two screws from the bot tom side, turn the unit again, de tach the
up per side of the en clo sure).
Re move the small foam rub ber that holds the bat tery con nec tion
wires in place and care fully pull out the REAR elec tron ics mod ule.
Pull the bat tery up wards while si mul ta neously wig gling it. It is held
in place quite firmly by 3M™ dual lock fas ten ers. Pull off the two
con nec tion wires.
Put in the REAR mod ule again in a way that both the alu minium
panel and the printed cir cuit board slide into the guid ing slots of
the en clo sure. En sure that the 12-pin-con nec tor fits ex actly to its
coun ter part on the MAIN mod ule and press the mod ule fully
down. Cau tion: The pins may bend!
Con nect the two wires with the ter mi nals of the new bat tery.
Make sure to con nect the red wire with the pos i tive bat tery ter mi -
nal (+) and the black wire with the neg a tive ter mi nal (-). A re verse
con nec tion will trig ger the fuse on the REAR mod ule. The fuse will
re set it self as soon as the po lar ity is correct.
Place the bat tery next to the MAIN mod ule with its ter mi nals fac -
ing to the out side of the en clo sure and the two mount ing strips
fac ing down. The mount ing strips will fit ex actly to the pair of the
mount ing strips on the bot tom of the en clo sure half when the bat -
tery is cen tered be tween the REAR mod ule and the me ter, and
when the bat tery is placed di rectly in front of the en clo sure bolt.
Make sure that the two bat tery ca bles lay straight from their start -
ing point on the REAR mod ule along the side of the en clo sure and
not un der the bat tery. Then press the bat tery down strongly to
lock the fasteners.
11 Replacing the battery
Summary of Contents for PULSE STAR II PRO
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