Me tal di scri mi na ti on
You can also de ter mi ne the kind of me tal of any ob ject with 10 cm (4
in ches) dia me ter or lar ger as long as it is wit hin the me tal dis crim i na -
tion ran ge (ap pro xi ma te ly 60 to 80% of the nor mal de tec ti on ran ge). In
or der to iden ti fy the ob ject, mo ti on of the se arch coil is re qui red, i.e.
the coil should be mo ved with a speed of around one meter per second
over the object.
Ins te ad of mo ving the coil si de ways, you may also lift the coil abo ve the
ob ject and then move it down. If a weak sig nal is re cei ved, it is ad vi sa -
ble to re pe at the mea su re ments se ve ral ti mes to ob tain a cle ar in di ca ti -
on. Ob ser ve the LEDs on the me ter (or move the
switch to
to ob tain an ad di tio nal au di ble iden ti fi ca ti on).
Plea se wait for about three se conds be fo re star ting a new mea su re -
6 Search procedure
Fi gu re 8: Lar ge ob ject bu ried deep
Summary of Contents for PULSE STAR II PRO
Page 1: ...PULSE STAR II PRO Professional Metal Detector Bedienungsanleitung Instruction manual ...
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