At ta ching the te les co pic pole (PS29) to the round coils (PS06
and PS28)
At ta ching the te les co pic pole to one of the round coils is easy. Re mo ve
the bolt, the wing nut, and the two rub ber was hers from the bra ckets
of the coil. The re are two spa re rub ber was hers fi xed to the lo wer shaft
of the te les co pic pole. Sli de the lo wer shaft with in ser ted rub ber wash -
ers into the bra ckets. If this is dif fi cult, damp the was hers with wa ter.
In sert the bolt and fas ten it with the wing nut. The wing nut should be
fas te ned tight enough so that the coil an gle can still be ad jus ted, but
will not change while swinging the coil.
Uni ver sal se arch loop with 8 me ters cir cum fer en ce (PS05)
With the uni ver sal search loop, dif fer ent se arch coils of var i ous shapes
and sizes can be built up (from 0.5 to 2 me ters). Also, a com pen sa ted
se arch coil is pos si ble which eli mi na tes mag ne tic in ter fer en ces from
land ca bles, etc. and re du ces mag ne tic ground ef fects. Plea se re fer to
the in struc tions that come with the universal search loop.
Elec tro nics unit (PS01)
Af ter you have se lec ted and pre pa red one of the se arch coils, you can
now set up the elec tro nics unit. The le at her case has an ad jus tab le
shoul der strap and a belt loop.
Car ry the elec tro nics unit on the side of your body that is away from
the coil, ot her wi se the me tall ic parts may cau se fal se sig nals.
Con nect the se arch coil to the
con nec tor. Turn the
sleeve on the plug cloc kwi se un til it is se cu re ly fas te ned. The fol lo wing
in struc tions are re fer ring to the 1m stan dard coil. Lift the coil with a
part ner by the con nec ted ad jus tab le straps. The se arch coil should be
held ap pro xi ma te ly 10 to 20 cm (4 to 8 in ches) from the ground whi le
se ar ching.
5 Startup procedure
Summary of Contents for PULSE STAR II PRO
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