The following example program sets up the Model 2000 using a scan list to measure DC volt-
age on channels 1, 2 and 3. The meter takes ten sets of readings, with each set spaced 15 seconds
apart, and each of the three readings in each group taken as fast as possible. The Model 2000
stores the readings in the buffer, and asserts SRQ when the buffer is full. The program waits for
the SRQ, then reads the readings from the buffer.
'Example program to demonstrate using the scan list
'For QuickBASIC 4.5 and CEC PC488 interface card
'Edit the following line to where the QuickBASIC
'libraries are on your computer
'$INCLUDE: 'c:\qb45\ieeeqb.bi'
'Initialize the CEC interface as address 21
CALL initialize(21, 0)
'Reset controls and put trigger model in IDLE state, set function to DCV
CALL SEND(16, "*rst", status%)
'Reset STATus subsystem (not affected by *RST)
CALL SEND(16, "stat:pres;*cls", status%)
CALL SEND(16, "stat:meas:enab 512", status%)'enable BFL
CALL SEND(16, "*sre 1", status%)'enable MSB
Example Programs
Summary of Contents for 2000
Page 1: ...Model 2000Multimeter User s Manual A G R E A T E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E...
Page 13: ...1 General Information...
Page 19: ...2 Basic Measurements...
Page 54: ...2 36 Basic Measurements...
Page 55: ...3 Measurement Options...
Page 87: ...4 Remote Operation...
Page 139: ...5 SCPI CommandReference...
Page 215: ...A Specifications...
Page 226: ...A 12 Specifications...
Page 227: ...B Statusand ErrorMessages...
Page 233: ...C Example Programs...
Page 246: ...C 14 Example Programs...
Page 247: ...D Models196 199and 8840A 8842ACommands...
Page 255: ...E IEEE 488 BusOverview...