Handheld Terminal
User's Manual, Version: 1.3
© KEBA 2007
7.10 Remote Software ActiveSync
This software is used as a debug interface and to adjust and transmit data
from and to a PC.
The remote software ActiveSync is a product by Microsoft and can be
downloaded free of charge from the following download address:
Data connection via RS-232-C debug interface
The data connection from the KeTop to the PC is established as follows:
Remove the cover of the cable entrance area on the KeTop.
Plug in the Download Cable KeTop XD 040 (KeTop and PC)
Start the ActiveSync software on the PC
a) select 'File' -> 'Delete Partnership' ...
b) deactivate '( ) Allow serial cable or ... ' -> <OK>
c) activate '(x) Allow serial cable or ... ' -> <OK>
Start the ActiveSync-Software on the KeTop:
Start -> Programs -> Communication -> Active Sync
At the PC:
- Connect KeTop as a "Guest' (Set
Up a Partnership -> No).
Now the data connection between the KeTop and the PC is established. In
case of communication problems, check the following conditions:
Max. time delay between step 3c) and step 4. = 30s.
For further attempts repeat steps 3. to 5.
The ActiveSync software must be started manually.
(Plugging in the connection cable does not start ActiveSync!)
The factory-set baudrate for the remote connection is 115 kBaud.
In case of communication problems the baudrate can be reduced.
The baudrate can be changed as follows:
- Start -> Programs -> Communication -> Remote Networking
- select "com1_115k"
- File -> Properties
- SP1 on COM1: -> Configure -> Port Setttings
(...change Baud Rate...)
- Close all Windows with <OK>
(optional: Start -> Programs -> KeTop -> Registry Backup -> <OK>)