Handheld Terminal
User's Manual, Version: 1.3
© KEBA 2007
9 Options
This chapter describes the options the KeTop is available with.
9.1 Override Potentiometer
If available, the override potentiometer in the KeTop is evaluated by the
software and can be read via the KeTop-API using a program.
The override potentiometer can be used for example for setting the number
of spindle revolutions and the forward feed on machine tools.
0 – 127, linear
9.2 Electronic Handwheel
If available, the electronic handwheel in the KeTop is evaluated by the
software and can be read via the KeTop-API using a program.
50 pulses are counted per revolution. Turning the handwheel clockwise in-
crements the count, turning the handwheel counter-clockwise decrements
the count (0-65535, 16-bit value).
Main features
50 lock-in positions / revolution
1 pulse / lock-in position
If the KeTop falls to ground, control the position of the handwheel knob.
If necessary press down the knob until it snaps in.