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Low air pressure in the cylinder:
---------- Incorrect valve clearance adjustment
---------- the valve is not tight
---------- Incorrect timing of gas distribution
---------- Broken valve spring
2.Cylinder head
---------- The spark plug is not tightly connected
to the cylinder head
---------- Cylinder head pad is damaged
---------- Crack or trachoma in the cylinder head
3.Cylinder block, piston, piston ring
---------- Piston ring clearance is too large or
---------- Piston is cracked or excessively worn
---------- Cylinder diameter is too large or
Exhaust smoke:
1. Worn valve guides
2. Oil hood leaks or is damaged
3. Cylinder head pad leakage
4, the piston ring gap is too large
Excessive noise or abnormal noise:
1.Incorrect valve adjustment
2.The valve is stuck or the valve spring is broken.
3.Excessive wear on the upper rocker arm
4.Insufficient timing of gas distribution
5, camshaft wear
Cylinder head cover disassemble
1. Remove the four GB / T16674 small disk M6 × 20 fastening
bolts of the valve head cover on the intake and exhaust sides of the
cylinder head cover;
2. Remove the valve cover on both the intake and exhaust sides
of the cylinder head;
3. Remove the two GB / T16674 small disk bolts that fasten
the cylinder head cover
M6 × 60, 2 GB / T16674 small disk bolts, M6 × 35, 4
GB / T16674 small disk bolt M6 × 30, remove 2 A88 air
Pipe washer and install it on M6 × 60 bolts;
4. Remove the cylinder head cover.