EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
The entry message should be short and explanatory. If there are options
after the company introduction, they should be short and their quantity
should not be more than six. They should be so determined that their
extension numbers would not change. Long and detailed messages bore the
callers and create negative effect. The options should not include proper
names such as “Mr. Smith, Mrs. Newton”. Otherwise, you may have to repeat
the entire EVM recording in case of any change. Instead, using short and
constant definitions like “Sales, Technical Service, and Vice Manager” makes
the record be valid for a long time.
If you want your auto attendant to serve in another language alongside with
your native language, for instance, in English, then an announcement like
that can be done after the entry message in your native language: “Please
dial 9 for English” and then the system may proceed to an options menu that
is in English, if desired. While the content of the menu in English is being
determined, one must consider the fact that the extensions, to which that
menu directs the calling parties are supposed to be able to serve in English.
The ACD messages in the second language should be recorded into the
related message boxes. (The second language message boxes are: number
12 ...23 for EVM38S, EVM48, EVM48S, and EVM128, number 32...63 for
EVM128S and EVM224S).
A suitable background music can be used while recording the messages.
The selected music should be instrumental only, consisting of tranquilizing
and low-intensity, easy-listening melodies.
The options in the entry message may include sub-options. That feature may
be employed for usual informing purposes by corporations or other kinds of
work places such as exchange offices, movie theaters, etc. For instance, the
related information may be announced after the message: “Dial 3 for (US$
rate, movies and their time table, bus take off time table, etc).” and then the
caller may be directed to the appropriate extension according to the menu
structure and the selected option.
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