12.2.2 DC connection
Destruction of the DC plug connectors
DC plug connectors can be destroyed by arcing if disconnected while still live. It is absolutely essential that the
following shutdown sequence be carried out in the correct order:
1. Check that there is no current in any of the DC cables using a clip-on ammeter.
Ensure there is no AC/DC voltage present.
Check that there is no current using a clip-on ammeter.
NOTE: Plug connectors may be unplugged under voltage, but never
under load.
1. Use a screwdriver (blade width 3 mm) to push out the latch on the coupling.
2. Leave the screwdriver in place.
3. Disconnect the DC connector from the DC socket.
Fig. 67:
Unplugging the plug connector
1 Screwdriver
2 Latch
Uninstalling the device
Dangerous voltage due to two operating voltages
Severe injuries or death may occur if the cables and/or terminals/busbars in the device are touched. The dis-
charge time of the capacitors is up to 5 minutes.
1. Only appropriately qualified electricians authorised by the mains supply network operator are permitted to
open and maintain the device.
2. Before opening the device: Disconnect the AC and DC sides and wait at least 5 minutes.
Device disconnected and secured against restart.
1. Undo the 2 screws and carefully remove the housing cover [ T_30]
2. Remove the interface cables.
3. Disconnect AC connection plug from the device. [See section 12.2.1
4. Detach the equipotential bonding cable from the grounding point [ T_30]
5. Detach the interface cables from the sockets on the communication board.
6. Detach the DC cables from the DC plug connectors and furnish with protective caps. [See section 12.2.2
7. Open the cable fittings [ W_29 / W_20].
8. Pull the cables out of the device.
The device is uninstalled. Proceed with disassembly.
Disassembling the device
Unit has been switched off and uninstalled.
1. Remove the screw that prevents the device from being lifted off the mount.
2. Use the lateral openings and lift the device off the mount.
Device removed. Proceed with the packaging process.
Packaging the device
Device has been uninstalled.
12 | Decommissioning and dismantling
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