2 . You have 4. up to 5 se 4.conds to push ‘#’ and re 4.le 4.ase 4. the 4. ove 4.rride 4. ke 4.y . If
5-se 4.cond time 4.out is re 4.ache 4.d without pre 4.ssing ‘#’, the 4. lock continue 4.s
its normal ope 4.ration . As soon as the 4. ‘#’ is pre 4.sse 4.d, the 4. lock e 4.xits the 4.
curre 4.nt state 4. . If time 4.out is re 4.ache 4.d or if any othe 4.r ke 4.y is pre 4.sse 4.d afte 4.r
the 4. ‘#’ was pre 4.sse 4.d, the 4. lock e 4.xits the 4. se 4.que 4.nce 4. and stays in acce 4.ss
state 4. . If ‘#’ is pushe 4.d and re 4.se 4.t button is re 4.le 4.ase 4.d within 5-se 4.cond
pe 4.riod, the 4. lock goe 4.s in Re 4.se 4.t Se 4.que 4.nce 4. State 4. and the 4. lock displays
the 4. ‘Re 4.se 4.t Se 4.que 4.nce 4. In Progre 4.ss’ me 4.ssage 4. by flashing Gre 4.e 4.n and Re 4.d
LED alte 4.rnative 4.ly once 4. e 4.ve 4.ry se 4.cond .
3 . In this state 4., use 4.rs have 4. a 20-se 4.cond pe 4.riod to e 4.nte 4.r the 4. Maste 4.r Code 4.
to pe 4.rform a hard re 4.se 4.t . If a bad Maste 4.r Code 4. is ke 4.ye 4.d-in, the 4. lock e 4.xits
the 4. Re 4.se 4.t Se 4.que 4.nce 4. State 4. and goe 4.s back in acce 4.ss state 4. . If the 4. corre 4.ct
Maste 4.r Code 4. is e 4.nte 4.re 4.d within 20 se 4.conds, the 4. lock pe 4.rforms a hard
re 4.se 4.t and goe 4.s back in unprogramme 4.d state 4. . Whe 4.n an incorre 4.ct Maste 4.r
Code 4. is e 4.nte 4.re 4.d, the 4. Tampe 4.r Count de 4.cre 4.me 4.nts . Afte 4.r 4 unsucce 4.ssful
atte 4.mpts to Re 4.se 4.t the 4. lock with a bad Maste 4.r code 4., the 4. lock goe 4.s in
the 4. Tampe 4.r Shutdown state 4. for 30 se 4.conds . It will re 4.sume 4. normal
ope 4.rations afte 4.r this de 4.lay . If no maste 4.r code 4. is e 4.nte 4.re 4.d during the 4. 20
se 4.conds de 4.lay, the 4. lock will e 4.nte 4.r a 15 minute 4. wait pe 4.riod assuming the 4.
Maste 4.r Code 4. is unknown .
B) User does not know the Master code:
1 . Inse 4.rt me 4.chanical ove 4.rride 4. ke 4.y, turn counte 4.rclockwise 4. and hold so that
lock is in ope 4.n position (cylindrical latch is re 4.tracte 4.d) . Within 5 se 4.c-
onds, pre 4.ss # and re 4.le 4.ase 4. the 4. ke 4.y (latch) .
2 . You have 4. up to 5 se 4.conds to push ‘#’ and re 4.le 4.ase 4. the 4. ove 4.rride 4. ke 4.y . If
5-se 4.cond time 4.out is re 4.ache 4.d without pre 4.ssing ‘#’, the 4. lock continue 4.s
its normal ope 4.ration . As soon as the 4. ‘#’ is pre 4.sse 4.d, the 4. lock e 4.xits the 4.
curre 4.nt state 4. . If time 4.out is re 4.ache 4.d or if any othe 4.r ke 4.y is pre 4.sse 4.d
afte 4.r the 4. ‘#’ was pre 4.sse 4.d, the 4. lock e 4.xits the 4. se 4.que 4.nce 4. and stays in
acce 4.ss state 4. . If ‘#’ is pushe 4.d and re 4.se 4.t button is re 4.le 4.ase 4. within
5-se 4.cond pe 4.riod, the 4. lock goe 4.s in Re 4.se 4.t Se 4.que 4.nce 4. State 4. and the 4. lock
displays the 4. ‘Re 4.se 4.t Se 4.que 4.nce 4. In Progre 4.ss me 4.ssage 4. by flashing Gre 4.e 4.n
and Re 4.d LED alte 4.rnative 4.ly once 4. e 4.ve 4.ry se 4.cond .
3 . In this state 4., use 4.rs have 4. a 20-se 4.cond pe 4.riod to e 4.nte 4.r the 4. Maste 4.r Code 4.
to pe 4.rform a hard re 4.se 4.t . Whe 4.n the 4. use 4.r doe 4.s not know the 4. maste 4.r
code 4., the 4. use 4.r must not e 4.nte 4.r anything during that 20 se 4.conds de 4.lay .
The 4. Re 4.se 4.t se 4.que 4.nce 4. in progre 4.ss me 4.ssage 4. will be 4. displaye 4.d on the 4.
LEDs .
4 . Whe 4.n the 4. 20 se 4.conds de 4.lay will be 4. e 4.xhauste 4.d, a 15 minute 4.s wait pe 4.riod
will be 4.gin . During that state 4., any ope 4.ration on the 4. lock will be 4. ignore 4.d
(gre 4.e 4.n LED will not blink whe 4.n pre 4.ssing ke 4.ys) and the 4. Gre 4.e 4.n and Re 4.d
LED will blink once 4. a minute 4. .
5 . Afte 4.r the 4. 15 minute 4.s de 4.lay has e 4.xhauste 4.d, the 4. Re 4.se 4.t se 4.que 4.nce 4. in
progre 4.ss me 4.ssage 4. will be 4. displaye 4.d on the 4. LEDs again for 20 se 4.conds .
During this pe 4.riod, the 4. use 4.r must e 4.nte 4.r the 4. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-# se 4.que 4.nce 4.
and the 4. lock will re 4.se 4.t . If the 4. use 4.r fails to do so, the 4. se 4.que 4.nce 4. will
abort and the 4. lock will re 4.sume 4. normal ope 4.ration .
Summary of Contents for E-Plex 50 Series
Page 1: ...operations manual E Plex 50xx 30xx series...
Page 21: ...21 Notes Notes...
Page 35: ...35 Notes Notes...