2 . The 4. ge 4.ne 4.ral proce 4.dure 4. for all programming functions is as follows:
a . Put the 4. lock in Programming Mode 4. by pre 4.ssing # Maste 4.r Code 4. #
b . Use 4. the 4. Summary of Commands Table 4. in the 4. appe 4.ndix se 4.ction of this
guide 4. to e 4.nte 4.r the 4. thre 4.e 4. digit command se 4.que 4.nce 4. (Command Type 4. +
Function Code 4.), followe 4.d by # .
c . Ente 4.r the 4. appropriate 4. numbe 4.rs as re 4.quire 4.d .
d . Pre 4.ss # to e 4.nd Programming Mode 4. .
e 4. . Once 4. the 4. lock is in programming mode 4., multiple 4. command se 4.que 4.nce 4.s
can be 4. e 4.nte 4.re 4.d without having to re 4.pe 4.at the 4. #maste 4.rcode 4.# .
Howe 4.ve 4.r, if the 4.re 4. is no activity for 15 se 4.conds at the 4. ke 4.ypad, the 4. lock
will automatically e 4.xit from programming mode 4. .
For example
• If the 4. Maste 4.r or Manage 4.r e 4.nte 4.rs his code 4. of
, the 4. door will
ope 4.n .
• If he 4. e 4.nte 4.rs
, the 4. lock will e 4.nte 4.r into the 4. Programming
Mode 4. and wait for the 4. ne 4.xt part of the 4. command .
• If he 4. e 4.nte 4.rs the 4. # sign twice 4. at the 4. e 4.nd of the 4. code 4., for e 4.xample 4.
, the 4. lock will go out of Programming Mode 4. and
re 4.turn to its normal mode 4. .
The 4. # pound sign acts like 4. the 4. Ente 4.r ke 4.y on a ke 4.yboard in your
communications with the 4. lock . The 4. # te 4.lls the 4. lock that one 4. part of the 4.
e 4.ntry is finishe 4.d . The 4. # se 4.rve 4.s anothe 4.r purpose 4. - to distinguish a program-
ming type 4. command from a simple 4. Acce 4.ss Code 4. to ope 4.n the 4. door . A Maste 4.r
or Manage 4.r Use 4.r can use 4. the 4. same 4. numbe 4.r to ope 4.n the 4. door or to put the 4.
lock in Programming Mode 4., the 4. only diffe 4.re 4.nce 4. be 4.ing that he 4. use 4.s the 4. #
sign in front to signal that he 4. is about to e 4.nte 4.r a programming command .
For incre 4.ase 4.d se 4.curity, it is re 4.comme 4.nde 4.d that the 4. maste 4.r use 4.r code 4. not
be 4. use 4.d for e 4.ve 4.ryday acce 4.ss . This can be 4. accomplishe 4.d by cre 4.ating an
acce 4.ss use 4.r code 4. for the 4. maste 4.r use 4.r .
Reset Procedures
The 4.re 4. are 4. thre 4.e 4. diffe 4.re 4.nt “Re 4.se 4.t” le 4.ve 4.ls available 4. in the 4. E-Ple 4.x Lock .
Code 099#
will re 4.se 4.t the 4. lock to the 4. factory de 4.fault se 4.ttings e 4.xce 4.pt for the 4.
acce 4.ss code 4. le 4.ngth (Maste 4.r, Manage 4.r Acce 4.ss Use 4.r code 4.s and Time 4. / Date 4.
are 4. re 4.taine 4.d if alre 4.ady programme 4.d)
Code 299#
will de 4.le 4.te 4. all acce 4.ss and se 4.rvice 4. use 4.r code 4.s (Maste 4.r, Manage 4.r
and M-Unit * use 4.rs are 4. re 4.taine 4.d)
Hard Reset
will re 4.turn the 4. lock to factory mode 4. including de 4.le 4.ting all code 4.s,
putting the 4. lock back to factory de 4.fault value 4.s (4 digit acce 4.ss code 4. le 4.ngth)
and making the 4. maste 4.r code 4. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 . A hard re 4.se 4.t is pe 4.rforme 4.d as fol-
lows .
Hard reset sequence for the E-Plex E5xxx Series:
A) User knows the Master code:
1 . Inse 4.rt me 4.chanical ove 4.rride 4. ke 4.y, turn counte 4.rclockwise 4. and hold so that
lock is in ope 4.n position (cylindrical latch is re 4.tracte 4.d) . Within 5 se 4.c-
onds, pre 4.ss # and re 4.le 4.ase 4. the 4. ke 4.y (latch) .
Summary of Contents for E-Plex 50 Series
Page 1: ...operations manual E Plex 50xx 30xx series...
Page 21: ...21 Notes Notes...
Page 35: ...35 Notes Notes...