Use 4. the 4. Diagnostic Code 4. to pe 4.rform manual diagnostics of the 4. lock, gre 4.e 4.n LED,
re 4.d LED, buzze 4.r, and the 4. twe 4.lve 4. pushbuttons - 0 through 9, * and # .
Required User Level: Master
1 . Put the 4. lock into Pushbutton Programming Mode 4. .
2 . Ente 4.r Command
for Diagnostics .
3 . You will se 4.e 4. a gre 4.e 4.n LED and he 4.ar a high be 4.e 4.p followe 4.d by a re 4.d LED and
a low be 4.e 4.p .
4 . Ente 4.r
, in that orde 4.r e 4.xactly, to te 4.st e 4.ach pushbutton . If
e 4.ve 4.ry pushbutton is working corre 4.ctly, you will se 4.e 4. a gre 4.e 4.n LED and he 4.ar
a normal be 4.e 4.p for e 4.ach pushbutton that is pre 4.sse 4.d .
5 . Example 4. of Comple 4.te 4. Entry:
6 . Ente 4.r anothe 4.r
to indicate 4. the 4. e 4.nd of programming .
7 . If you se 4.e 4. a re 4.d LED at any time 4. you are 4. pre 4.ssing a pushbutton, or
at the 4. e 4.nd of the 4. code 4., the 4.re 4. could be 4. a proble 4.m with the 4. pushbutton
e 4.le 4.ctronics .
8 . Try the 4. Diagnostic Code 4. again,
, to be 4. sure 4. you
e 4.nte 4.re 4.d all the 4. numbe 4.rs corre 4.ctly and in the 4. corre 4.ct orde 4.r .
9 . Ente 4.r anothe 4.r
to indicate 4. the 4. e 4.nd of programming .
10 . If you still se 4.e 4. the 4. re 4.d LED, the 4. lock has a proble 4.m . Call Kaba’s te 4.chnical
(800-849-TECH) support to he 4.lp diagnose 4. and fix the 4. proble 4.m .
Battery Life and Replacement
A varie 4.ty of factors (she 4.lf life 4., ope 4.nings pe 4.r day, e 4.nvironme 4.nt, batte 4.ry brand,
lock se 4.ttings, e 4.tc .) will de 4.te 4.rmine 4. how long your lock ope 4.rate 4.s on a se 4.t of
batte 4.rie 4.s . In ave 4.rage 4. conditions, you can e 4.xpe 4.ct up to 180,000 ope 4.nings for
the 4. E-Ple 4.x Lock mode 4.ls (4 “AA” Alkaline 4. Batte 4.rie 4.s) .
A Low Batte 4.ry condition is ide 4.ntifie 4.d by a flash of both re 4.d and gre 4.e 4.n LEDs
whe 4.n a valid acce 4.ss code 4. is e 4.nte 4.re 4.d and the 4. lock will still give 4. acce 4.ss . Whe 4.n the 4.
low batte 4.ry condition is obse 4.rve 4.d, the 4. batte 4.rie 4.s should be 4. re 4.place 4.d as soon as
possible 4. .
Summary of Contents for E-Plex 50 Series
Page 1: ...operations manual E Plex 50xx 30xx series...
Page 21: ...21 Notes Notes...
Page 35: ...35 Notes Notes...