Replay. Setting the number as low as 1 will add significant time to the processing for larger
datasets, but may be acceptable when dealing with troublesome spots in the dataset.
Pose Stack Confidence Cutoff Value (0.0) –
If you set the confidence cutoff in percentile and you
set this value at 1.0, the Loop Closure Tool will reject the lowest 1 % of the confidence values over
the course of the scan. If you set the confidence cutoff value to absolute, the Loop Closure Tool If
you selected a range for the # of poses per stack, it will stack the poses to the Max # unless you
have a confidence value that drops below the percentile setting, in which case, it will start a new
pose stack.
Minimum Number of Points (2000)
– The Loop Closure Tool tries to find at least 2,000 points
that can be aligned between the patches selected. If the Loop Closure Tool runs and you do not
see any differences, it may be that the patches are too sparse as in some hallways, or
underground scans, you can reduce this number to try aligning sparser patches.
End at start point?
– Check this box if you ended your scan near the same spot as the start of the
run. Setting this to true (if it is true) means you can keep your gap distances smaller in the Match
Distance parameter to avoid overlapping adjoining trajectories.
Keep Orientation?
– Check this box if you ended your scan in the same orientation as the start of
the run.
Planning your scan to include the same start and ending points can help you in getting the best
results from the Loop Closure Tool by eliminating the large global drift before applying smaller
more specific match regions
The third tab groups all of the GNSS options to use in loop closure process as well as provide the
capability of filtering the GNSS data.
Trajectory time offset determination options
Trajectory in Camera Coordinate System?