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Error description
Fault Cause
E121 Overload of spindle drive
Refer to
Error Handling Method
E122 Spindle braking resistor
Refer to
Error Handling Method
E123 Overheated spindle motor
Refer to
Error Handling Method
E124 Overheated spindle drive
Refer to
Error Handling Method
E125 Undervoltage of spindle
Refer to
Error Handling Method
E126 Spindle busbar overpres-
Spare alarm
Spindle main power off
Spare alarm
E128 Spindle software overcur-
Refer to
E129 Spindle position forward
Spare alarm
E130 Negative limit of spindle po-
Spare alarm
E131 Spindle electronic gear
ratio error
Spare alarm
E132 Spindle input pulse fre-
quency is too high
Spare alarm
E133 Excessive spindle position
1. The spindle board program is the
old version
2. Mechanical stuck
1. "Internal drive" - "spindle" no version
number means that the old version
needs to be returned to the factory to
update the program
2. Check the machinery
E134 Spindle overspeed
1. Wiring error
2. The acceleration is too high
3. The grid voltage is too low
4. Low spindle power
5. Short circuit of spindle to ground
1. Check the line
2. Reduce acceleration
3. Check the input power
4. Select a spindle with a large power level
5. Check whether the spindle is short cir
cuited to ground
E135 Principal axis origin return
Spare alarm
E136 Phase loss of spindle bus
Spare alarm
E137 Phase sequence error of
spindle motor
Reverse phase sequence
Measure with a multimeter to restore the
correct phase sequence
E138 UVW short to ground
Refer to E105 Error Handling Method
E200 XY driver alarm
1. The driver wiring is bad
2. The drive is damaged
1. Check the wiring
2. Replace the motherboard
E201 X driver alarm
Refer to
Error Handling Method
E202 Y driver alarm
Refer to
Error Handling Method