This section explains how to change Alarm and Warning Limits.
Alarm and Warning Limits tell the Metasys Network when to alert
operators of abnormal conditions in their facilities. When a limit is
reached, the Metasys Network sends an alarm or warning message to a
predetermined destination (a printer, Operator Workstation, or a named
file at an Operator Workstation).
To change alarm limits:
Changing Alarm
1. Select a system and an object. The object’s Focus Screen appears.
2. From the next three screens, select LIMITS, ALARMS, and HIGH
or LOW. (Be sure to press ENTER after each entry.) After all three
selections have been made, press CONTINUE, then ENTER.
3. Follow the screen instructions to complete the operation. The first
screen asks you to enter a new high or low alarm limit. Choose a
new setting, press ENTER, CONTINUE, then ENTER again.
The second asks for a new differential. Choose a new setting, press
ENTER, then EXECUTE, then ENTER again.
Network Terminal User’s Manual