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Follow the cable placement zipping the tube closed and closing the cable
management’s cable latch
(Fig. 71)
Once the cable is placed the entire length of tube, bring the zipper from the
tubes opposite end, meeting at any point in the middle
(Fig. 72)
When necessary, the two zippers may be opened to allow any cables to exit
the tube anywhere between the
(Fig. 73)
4.8.3. Clamp Setup
If the tube becomes disconnected from
the cable management dovetail mount,
follow these instructions to re-attach
the cable management tube and
dovetail mount.
Loosen the clamp screw using the
supplied 3 mm hex driver.
Slide the clamp around the tube
first and then slide the tube around
the outside of the
cable management dovetail mount
(Fig. 74)
. Align the zipper opening
and the cable management
dovetail mount opening.
Slide the clamp over the tube and
cable management dovetail mount
pinching the tube in between
(Fig. 75)
Tighten the clamp screw
(Fig. 76)
Fig. 72
- Zip opposite end
Fig. 73
- Flexibility
Fig. 74
- Slide tube around mount
Fig. 75
- Slide clamp onto mount
Fig. 76
- Tighten clamp screw