Jetter AG
Introduction | 1
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1 Introduction
1.1 Information on this document
This document forms an integral part of the product and must be read and under-
stood prior to using it. It contains important and safety-related information for the
proper use of the product as intended.
Target groups
This document is intended for specialists with appropriate qualifications.
Only competent and trained personnel is allowed to put this device into operation.
During the whole product life cycle, safe handling and operation of the device
must be ensured. In the case of missing or inadequate technical knowledge or
knowledge of this document any liability is excluded.
Availability of infor-
Make sure this document is kept at the ready in the vicinity of the product
throughout its service life.
For information on new revisions of this document, visit the download area on our
website. This document is not subject to any updating service.
Start | Jetter - We automate your success.
For further information refer to the following information products:
Version updates
Information about new versions of software products or of the operating sys-
tem of your controller.
JetSym software Online Help
Detailed description of software functions with application examples
Application-oriented manuals
Cross-product documentation