Learning to Use the Lean Clean 360 Cleaning System
Product Overview
What the Lean Clean 360 Does
The Lean Clean 360 is a fast, high-performance parts washer that removes
oils, chips, and other contaminates from new or used parts.
Operators place a basket of parts into the Lean Clean and press the start
button. The Lean Clean 360 submerges and rotates the basket while directing
60 gallons per minute of cleaning solution at the parts at 40 psig. The machine
continually recirculates, filters, and delivers the cleaning solution to the basket
of parts through high pressure submerged jets.
The Lean Clean turns over the entire volume of the cleaning chamber more
than twice a minute, flushing away chips, soils and oils, and keeping fresh,
clean solution in contact with the parts.
After washing, the cleaning machine drains the washing solution
and completes an equally vigorous rinse cycle with water (or water with
After rinsing and draining, a high-volume, high-velocity recirculating
convection dryer dries the parts by delivering air through multiple slots aimed
directly at the rotating basket of parts.