Design, Manufacture and Installation of Theatrical Equipment Worldwide
(315) 451-3440
Fax (315) 451-1766
Rev 1: February 15, 2007
To de-select the set, the operator may touch the set name again, and the selection will toggle off. The
operator may also use the CLEAR
SLCT function key (F7) to clear the
current set selections.
There are two indicators that will appear
at the upper right of the screen if they
are needed. ESTOP FAULT indicates
that a system Emergency Stop button
has been pushed. MOTOR FLT
indicates that a system motor is in a
fault condition. Use the main console
screen to obtain details about which
motor is in a fault condition.
Once the desired set has been
selected, the operator pushes and holds
the GO UP (F2) or GO DOWN (F4)
function key to drive the selected set in
the desired direction. The set will move
until it comes to its programmed soft
limit, or until the operator stops pushing the function key. (Note that the GO TRGT (F8) button is not active
while on this page.) Remember to Watch the Piece during the move!
There may be more than eight sets in the current show. Pressing the NEXT function key (F12) will advance
from the current page of eight to the next full page of eight sets. Pressing the INC (increment) function key
(F11) will advance the entire list by one entry. Similarly, pressing the PREV (previous) function key (F9) will
display the preceding page of eight sets, and pressing the DEC (decrement) function key (F10) will back the
list up by one entry.
If a set has been selected, but the operator does not wish to move that set, the set name may be touched
again to toggle the choice off, or the CLEAR SLCT function key (F7) may be used to de-select that choice. If
a set has been selected, this selection will also be cleared if the operator advances the list to the point where
that set is no longer displayed on the screen, or if the operator switches to another page.
There is an additional, password-protected page, which may be used to run motors in maintenance mode.
This mode allows multiple motors to be operated at once, and bypasses the show-specific soft limits.
Access is gained to the maintenance page from the warning screen that appears during pendant bootup.
When the boot sequence is complete and the “Accept?” prompt appears at the bottom of the screen, the
operator touches the F5 key to open the password page.
The operator enters a password on this page by touching the field
labeled “ENTER PASSWORD:”. This will open a numeric keypad
on the screen. The operator keys in the password, then hits the
enter key on the keypad to return to this screen. Touching the
MAINT PAGE button will now open the maintenance page
This page contains a list of the motors which are in the system.
The operator may select a motor for operation by touching the
motor name. The motor name will be highlighted in yellow, to
indicate that it is selected. A selected motor may be de-selected
by touching its name once again, or by pushing the CLEAR SLCT
function key (F7). Multiple motors may be selected for
simultaneous operation by touching additional motor names.