Design, Manufacture and Installation of Theatrical Equipment Worldwide
(315) 451-3440
Fax (315) 451-1766
Rev 1: February 15, 2007
The columns displayed on this window show a number of motor parameters. They are as follows:
Motor - the motor channel number
Position - current set position, referenced to that set's reference point (generally the stage floor).
SUL/SSL - Soft Upper Limit (or Soft Stored Limit) position. This limit is set for the motor, and will take
precedence over any show-specific soft limits - show limits can be set at this value or lower, but cannot be
set higher than this point.
SLL/SDL - Soft Lower Limit (or Soft Deployed Limit) position. This limit is set for the motor, and will take
precedence over any show-specific soft limits - show limits can be set at this value or higher, but cannot
be set lower than this point.
Max Velocity - The maximum velocity possible for a set. Expressed in units per second (in the example,
8" per second - 40fpm).
RatioN - Numerator of the encoder ratio. Value set at system startup,
must not be changed
RatioD - Denominator of the encoder ratio. Value set at system startup,
must not be changed
RunTime - Cumulative run time for the motor, since system startup.
Status - Status message regarding motor operation. This is the same status message that is displayed in
the left pane of the main screen while a recorded Preset or Cue is being played. Messages include:
Brake Released - motor brake is released
Motor Turning - motor is in motion
At Target - set is at move target
UpOffset - targeting distance for fixed speed sets; distance between the end of a "Go Up" signal and the
point where the set stops. Value set at system startup, must not be changed.
DownOffset - targeting distance for fixed speed sets; distance between the end of a "Go Down" signal
and the point where the set stops. Value set at system startup, must not be changed.
The following parameters relate to Load Sensing, on systems so equipped.
Load - The net weight carried on the batten (entered by user following load learn process). If LdBase is
set for 0, this will be the total load held by the winch.
LdWndw – The window of acceptable variations in load (entered by user following load learn process)
LdMin – The minimum load on the set (calculated by system during load learn process)
LdMax – The maximum load on the set (calculated by system during load learn process)
LdBearing – The winch capacity (entered during system setup)
LdBase – The weight of the batten (entered during system setup). May be set to 0 to allow Load to
reflect the total winch load.