Design, Manufacture and Installation of Theatrical Equipment Worldwide
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Rev 1: February 15, 2007
The stage view can also be altered using the operators at the upper left corner of the 3-D display.
These are the "Orbit", "Walk", “Grab” and "Zoom" buttons. The "Arrow" button at the top of this
toolbar is used to return to cursor mode after using the other tools to manipulate the view.
The "Orbit" button looks like a planet with an orbital ring around it. The center of this "planet" is
the center of the stage house, and the viewpoint moves around this center, but is always looking
toward the center. To activate this tool, touch the button – the button’s background will turn green
to indicate the tool is active. Touching the screen and dragging down will move the viewpoint
down while still looking at the center of the stage house, as if the viewer were climbing to a fly
gallery. Touching the screen and dragging left will move the viewpoint as if the viewer were
moving to the right while still looking at the center of the stage house. These motions can also be
accomplished with the touchpad, clicking and holding the left mouse button while dragging.
The "Walk" icon is a globe with an arrow within it. This tool simulates the operator
moving his head to change the view. Touch the Walk button to make this tool active
(button background will turn green), then touch the screen and drag up will to shift the focus of the
view toward the stage floor. Dragging down will cause the view to look up toward the grid.
Touching and dragging to the right will cause the focus of the view to shift to the left (as if the operator were
turning left), while touching and dragging left will cause the focus of the view to shift to the right (as if the
operator were turning right). These motions can also be accomplished with the touchpad, clicking and
holding the left mouse button while dragging.
The “Grab” button shifts the image on the screen while maintaining the current operator’s viewpoint.
Touch the Grab button to make this tool active (button background will turn green). The operator
can now touch the screen and drag the entire image left, right, up or down, as desired. These
motions can also be accomplished with the touchpad, clicking and holding the left mouse button while
dragging across the touchpad.
The "Zoom" icon is a magnifying glass. This tool changes the point of view by moving the viewer
closer to or further from the focus of the view. Touch this icon to activate the tool, then touch the
screen and drag up to shift the viewpoint closer (zoom in), or drag down to shift the viewpoint further
away (zoom out). These motions can also be accomplished with the touchpad, clicking and holding the left
mouse button while dragging.
When done changing the 3-D screen view, touch the cursor icon to de-activate the viewpoint tools
and return to normal operation.