Model 4724 Control Expander Installation Manual (P/N 150596-02, Rev. A)
Revised 8/98
Test the exit all entry zones to verify the delay times you have programmed.
View the alarm memory to see that the desired areas have been activated.
To exit Walk Test mode, press
(twice) on any touchpad.
The system will remain in the same armed/disarmed state after you exit Walk Test mode.
Section 11: Summary of Revision H Enhancements
11.1 Auto-Arm/Disarm Enhancements
Revision H allows to auto disarm at different times.
11.1.1 Open/Close Groups
The system-wide Open Window Group and Close Window Groups have been replaced by
Open and Close Window Groups for each area. It is now possible for eight areas to arm and
disarm at different times. It is also possible for one or more areas to Auto-Arm and one or more
areas to report OPEN/CLOSE TROUBLE on the same system. Each area can be programmed
as Auto Arm, Auto Disarm, or Open/Close Trouble. It is also possible to fully emulate the pre-
vious revision.
11.1.2 Exception Reporting
This mode controls reporting of open/close activity. Exception reporting applies when an area
is assigned a time window group which includes inactive periods (not always inside a window)
and Report Exception Open/Close is selected. When the arming occurs within an active period
of the close window group, the arming does not report to the central station. When the arming
occurs outside the windows, the arming is reported to the central station. Likewise, Open
Reporting is controlled by the open window group.
11.1.3 Open/Close Trouble
This mode causes Trouble Reports to be sent when manual opening or closing does not occur
during the specified open and close window groups. The report is sent at the end of an active
period of the window group. Open Trouble (System Still option) is sent when the system is not
closed (armed) at the end of a close window period. Close Trouble (system still closed) is sent
when the system is not opened (disarmed) at the end of a open window period.
Open/Close Trouble and Exception Open/Close can be combined by selecting both.
11.1.4 Auto Open/Close
This mode causes an area to automatically arm or disarm at the end of an active period in a
time window group. Auto Open/Close is selected as an option for each area if at the end of a
close window period the area is not armed, the area is then automatically armed.
Auto open/close can be combined with Exception Open/Close Operation. Auto Open/Close
disables Open/Close Trouble Reports for the area.
11.2 Programmable I/O Enhancements
11.2.1 New Programming Tools
A simple time of if/then/else logic has been added to the program. See Section 8.17.2 of this
manual for more information.
Some new status flags and outputs and new operations have also been added. See Section
8.17.3 of this manual for descriptions of these features.