Model 4724 Control Expander Installation Manual (P/N 150596-02, Rev. A)
Revised 8/98
3.2 Zone Expanders
For more information on wiring zone expanders, see the 4720 Installation Manual (P/N
In some situations, zone expanders operate differently with a 4724 system than they do with a
4720 only. The instructions below describe the differences (or refer to additional sources of
Current Zone Expander Models
The 4115 Serial Zone Expander and 4126 Hardwire Zone Expanders are the models currently
available for use with the 4720. Each of these products has its own installation manual. The
4115 Installation Manual (P/N 150648) is shipped with the product; the 4126 Installation
Manual (P/N 150860) is part of the Regency Technical Documentation binder.
Older Zone Expander Models
The following information about obsolete zone expander models is retained for installers who
need to troubleshoot or repair an existing system.
Model 4110 Serial Zone Expander
4110 zones using 4100 or 4101 sensors can be supervised, but the NO EOL option must be
selected as
since the sensors have no end-of-line resistor. Two 4110 expanders can be
used for up to 120 additional serial zones.
Model 4125 Multiplexed Zone Expander
The 4125 is enhanced by the 4724 to allow zones to be wired like 4720 internal zones.
Normally closed zones must have either a 15 K end-of-line resistor in series with the contact or
they must be programmed as “NO EOL:YES.”
Zones can be programmed as normally open and normally closed for UL type burglary zones.
Zones programmed in this manner must have a 15 K end-of-line resistor and must be pro-
grammed as “NO EOL:NO.” These zones may also have day supervision selected.
Two 4125 zone expanders can be used for up 128 added zones. Zones on the second expander
should be wired starting at Zone #1, the actual zone number will be offset by the number of
zones on Expander #1 plus the number of internal zones (actual zone # = # of zones on
Expander 1 + # of internal zones).
Model 4130 RF Zone Expander
4130 zones must be programmed as normally open on the 4724. The transmitters are then indi-
vidually programmed as normally open or closed.
Two RF zone expanders can be used under special circumstances. Typically this would be
used in installations where the two receivers are isolated by some type of barrier wall that
blocks signals from the other expander.
Using more than 64 total transmitters is not recommended.