Model 4724 Control Expander Installation Manual (P/N 150596-02, Rev. A)
Revised 8/98
8.3 Holidays (Menu 2)
Up to 16 calendar days can be designated as holidays. Holidays can be programmed by the
Example: The New Year’s Day holiday would be entered as “0101.”
Type in the date (month and day) you want to assign as the first holiday. Use leading zeros
before single-digit data.
Type in the month and day you want to assign as the second holiday. Use leading zeros before
single-digit data.
8.4 Daylight Savings Time (DST) Dates (Menu 3)
The daylight savings time (DST) adjustment dates can be programmed by the user. Adjust-
ments occur at 2:00 AM on the specified date.
FWD DATE:00/00
Type in the month and day when you want the time to automatically be set one hour forward
for the spring daylight savings time adjustment.
Type in the month and day when you want the time to automatically be set one hour back for
the fall daylight savings time adjustment.
To disable holidays or DST dates, enter
0 0 / 0 0
for the date.
8.5 System (Menu 4)
DEF. MODE:FORCE (Default Mode)
This option is used to determine what the system will do when it times out of the Program
mode. This would occur after power has been lost, then restored to the panel, if no one is
present to control the system. Type in the number shown beside the desired selection in Table
All power is lost at the panel (AC and DC). When the power is restored, the panel will
enter the Set Time mode. If no action is taken by the user after four minutes, the panel will
enter the Default Time mode.
For Revision H (or later) of the 4724: To ensure that your Default mode selection takes effect,
you must select areas using the Auto Open/Close option in the Area Options Menu (Menu 16).
See Section 5.1.3 of this manual for more information about programming auto open/close