iTegno 39XX GPRS Modem
AT Commands Guide
All specifications are correct at the time of release. iWOW Connections owns the proprietary rights to the information contained herein this
document. It may not be edited, copied or circulated without prior written agreement by iWOW Connections Pte Ltd.
© 2009 iWOW Connections Pte Ltd
Possible Responses
CME ERROR: <error>
Defined values
<add_result> additional result
<dcs> data coding scheme
<hex_string> string in hexadecimal format
<last_cmd> last command
<proactive_cmd> decimal code indicates the command (refer +STKPRO)
<result> may be (decimal code indicated):
- 0: command performed successfully
- 1: command performed with partial comprehension
- 2: command performed with missing information
- 3: REFRESH performed with additional Efs read
- 4: command performed successfully, but requested icon could not be displayed
- 5: command performed but modified by call control by SIM
- 6: command performed successfully, limited service
- 7: command performed with modification
- 16: proactive SIM session terminated by the user
- 17: backward move in the proactive SIM session requested by the user
- 18: no response from user
- 19: help information required by the user
- 20: USSD or SS transaction terminated by the user
- 32: ME currently unable to process command
- 33: network currently unable to process the command
- 34: user did not accept call set-up request
- 35: user cleared down call before connection or network release
- 36: action in contradiction with the current timer state
- 37: interaction with call control by SIM, temporary problem
- 38: launch browser generic error code
- 48: command beyond ME’s capabilities
- 49: command type not understood by ME