KNX - Haier A.C. (VRF line)
User's manual r1.0 EN
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General configuration
Inside this parameter’s dialog it is possible to activate or change the parameters shown in the
Figure 4.1
Download latest database entry for this product and its User Manual from:
The first field shows the URL where to download the database and the user manual for the
Figure 4.3
Parameter detail
Intesis Product
This parameter is used to check, before sending the programing, the maximum number of AC
units your device supports.
Figure 4.4
Parameter detail
Select the version of the gateway that you have:
HA-AC-KNX-8, if you only want to control up to 8 AC unit.
HA-AC-KNX-16, if you only want to control up to 16 AC units.
HA-AC-KNX-64, if you only want to control up to 64 AC units.
Number of Indoor Units in ETS
This parameter is used to hide/show communication object according to the number of AC units
you need to configure. Value ranges go from 1 to 64.
Figure 4.5
Parameter detail
In case you introduce a number higher than the maximum number of units allowed by your
license, you will get a warning message. This is just for information and will not block the
configuration process. Configurations with more indoor units configured than the ones allowed
by the license will not be downloaded correctly.
Figure 4.6
Parameter detail