9. Sample Time and Limita ons:
There are mul ple factors that affect the sampling me including the
sensors rise me, so ware selec on, so ware seLngs and the method used to store, transfer or
display the data and the light levels.
The ILT2500 can take readings as fast as 10 µsec. And when using the flash app on a PC, it can provide
a sample as fast as 20 uS (Flash allows up to 4096 data points over a sample me range of 80 msec to
40 seconds)
When using the internal computer and display, the device can update as fast as 50 samples per second
assuming the light intensity is strong enough to allow valid measurements at the fastest seLngs.
10. 5V Bias:
The ILT2500 can supply a 5V bias to silicon sensors to increase the response me. ILT silicon sensors are o en
biased when used for flash/pulsed light measurements.
Warning: The 5V bias can cause a decrease in sensor stability and possibly damage other sensor material. ILT
silicon sensors include: SED033, SED100, SCD110, XSD140B, XSD340B, XSD140A, and XSD340A.
11. Home Screen: When the meter is turned on it will take a few moments for the so8ware
to ini alize.
Upon comple on the home screen will be displayed. To return to the home
screen at any me, simply touch on the < Back
arrow in the top le of the display in seLngs
screens, or touch on the home icon within a measurement screen. (note customers can skip the home
screen by changing the start up app in seLngs)
12. Display Style Selec on:
Select The measurement app:
Meter Tall:
Meter displays the data in numerical format with NO
GRAPH. Tall sets the display to Portrait mode(usb ports on the right)
Meter Wide:
Meter displays the data in numerical format with NO
GRAPH. Wide sets the meter to landscape mode (usb ports on the top)
Trend Tall:
Trend displays the data in numerical format along with a
chart containing a bar or line graph. (see 15I & 15J to make changes to
the chart seLngs)Tall sets the display to Portrait mode (usb ports and
on off switch on the right).
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